Well, a month on from our last Post and we are all still in Lockdown !!

However, the daily news is becoming more and more encouraging that these strict measure are at last beginning to have a positive effect… only time will tell – but fingers are firmly crossed !!
In accordance with the Government’s directive, the Lightworks Clinic is obviously still closed until further notice and therefore all Appointments and Laser Therapy Courses are on hold.
With regard to our Courses, and in case this lockdown is continued longer term, we are looking at ways to perhaps introduce On-line Courses and will send out details as and when these come to fruition. In the meantime it is hoped that the Autumn programme might still stand, although again confirmation will be given in due course.
Lastly, we hope you are All safe and well during these very uncertain times, but just to add that we are always here to answer any questions or queries you may have – whether that be for yourself, your family or your animal companions and what you can do to help at home – or even where to get sanitiser !!
Stay Home, Stay Safe… Stay Sane !!