Zoom into the new online Lightworks Zoom-Ins….

The onging Covid-19 restrictions have meant Lightworks Courses have had to be cancelled this Spring….

However, in response to demand, we are delighted to now offer dedicated

1-2-1 Zoom teachings …   Zoom-Ins


So, whilst face to face courses are out of the question at the moment, Lightworks Zoom-In will give an opportunity for laser therapists and/or students to discuss any aspect of laser theory, the latest research, a particular client/case/condition, go over aspects of laser protocol  –  or in fact any other laser related query.


Interested  ??

Click on the image above for more information

or call to discuss

07712 778378

email  :  zoomin2@lightworksclinic.co.uk


“Ne’er cast a clout ’til May be out”

The old saying is so true…  but the unprecedented weather and circumstances this year has seen many sporting a suntan that is usually only achieved by late summer here in the UK  !!

So every cloud does have a silver lining, as it’s so fortunate this wreched pandemic hit us at a time of good weather, rather than during the torrential storms endured only a few weeks previous.

On the brighter side, our gardens are blooming and veg patches and allotments are beginning to sprout with ‘Hope’  …

Stay Alert,  Stay Positive and  …  Stay Safe  !!